The Bible Study Series aims to provide the church (both leaders and members) with broad values and commitments from the Bible when it comes to land issues (e.g. a commitment to the poor and social justice). It also provides appropriate Bible study materials which will help participants to formulate an effective, strategic and proactive response to land issues in South Africa. It makes participants of the studies conscience of land issues, and in particular aware of how the Bible ‘speaks’ about land issues.
English Version:
- Introduction to Bible Study Series
- Facilitator’s Notes
- Bible Study 1: Land Dispossession
- Bible Study 2: Women and Land
- Bible Study 3: Food Security
- Bible Study 4: Land & Leadership
isiZulu Version:
- Isingeniso
- Indima Yomsizi Wesifundo Sebhayibheli
- Isifundo 1: Ukwephucwa Umhlaba
- Isifundo 2: Abesifazane Nomhlaba
- Isifundo 3: Isiqiniseko Sokuthola Ukudla
- Isifundo 4: Ubuholi Nomhlaba