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Category Archives: Publications
Graeber fragments 2004 – “Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology” is a powerful gem, offering a liberating perspective on the world from a refreshing anarchist basis.
Living Learning Booklet
The Bible Study Series aims to provide the church (both leaders and members) with broad values and commitments from the Bible when it comes to land issues (e.g. a commitment to the poor and social justice). It also provides appropriate Bible study materials which will help participants to formulate an effective, strategic and proactive response
The Occasional Papers are printed documents. They explore the experiences of the work of CLP, relate the experiences of church land to the broader land context, contribute to theological and theoretical debates about land issues, and help develop a vision for agrarian reform.
iBandla nomHlaba Newsletter provides an opportunity for the communities with whom CLP works to network with each other and tell their stories. It also offers a useful resource for creating a growing awareness of land issues, and improving understanding of the land struggle